8 Standards for Mathematical Practice: Pop Quiz!

Mar 3, 2017

Think you know the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice? Take this quiz to see if you understand application of these practices through scenarios from a popular TV show: Big Bang Theory!

8 SMPs Big Bang TheoryWatch the video clips (each has an identifying letter assigned to it), decide which of the 8 SMPs are represented, and use the PDF to record your answers the video’s letter next to the appropriate SMP.

Click the link to start the video! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xquhbcx9nwj8k8/Math%20Practice%20Standards.mov

Big Bang Theory SMPS

Big Bang Theory SMPs

Download the answer key from our store and let us know how you did on Facebook or Twitter!
You can also find more resources on the 8 SMPs on our Free Resources page, including two free webinars and reference documents that outline the standards by grade level.

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