New Logo for a New Vision

Apr 27, 2017

We are thrilled to reveal a new look for SIS for Teachers, and here’s why!

John Lucas, owner of Johnny ‘Toons, worked with us to create this fresh new logo that we just love!

When we began as Strategic Intervention Solutions several years ago, our goal was to serve students through interventions with ADHD, sensory integration, reading, writing and math. This new logo represents our shift to focusing specifically on math (hence the number 4) and on primarily serving teachers. Teachers have so many things to adopt/implement/employ in their classrooms and it can be overwhelming and ineffective. SIS 4 Teachers really wants to help teachers make positive and permanent change in their classrooms and schools. We have dedicated our time and made a commitment to help teachers “go slow to go fast” in order to spark systemic change over time through strategic interventions.


John also created an avatar to be my digital presence! We all go through many different seasons, and sometimes it’s fun to look at life in a bit of a different perspective. My new avatar does just that for me!

Shannon Avatar SQUARE

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