BombBomb: Make Your Message Come Alive with a Video Email

Apr 4, 2016

Think for a second of the possibilities of a personal video email…

bomb bomb

Last week I had the opportunity to go to one of our school districts to observe kindergarten, first-, and second-grade teachers teaching mathematics.  For me, it was a gift to be able to observe for 15 minutes per class.  I was able to see how each teacher taught math in their own way. The hard part for me is that I have not yet met these teachers. For them, it probably felt strange to have a person that they didn’t know coming to their classroom. Sometimes during observations, we don’t get the opportunity to hear how things went or reflect directly on things that were positive or things that might need to be improved. I decided the best way to reach out to the teachers was to send them a video email via BombBomb and personally tell them how I felt and how grateful I was to be able to be in their classroom. I wasn’t certain how they would react, because I didn’t get a chance to meet them; however, many of them sent me an email saying they appreciate the personal touch of getting a video email versus reading a long email (that we often don’t have time for).

Think for a second of the possibilities of a personal video email. It took me less than 60 seconds to record and send each video, and it was directly linked to my email so I could access my contacts in a snap. Think about the parents in your class who have an at risk student and how they don’t often get great news about their children. What if they were to open your video email in the evening and see their child’s teacher talking about something positive that their child did that day in school. WOW! That would make a world of difference!

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we don’t get to make the personal connections that we wish we could. I think this is a great option with our busy lives to really, truly get that personal touch!


It doesn’t have to be a production,
it just needs to be you. Simply record
wherever you are… Be who you are.


To a group of people? You bet.
What about to just one person?
So much more effective!


Your message opened,
video played and link clicked…
With BombBomb, you’ll know.

Check out the possibilities!
Sign up to get a 14 day free trial!
 It was SO worth it! 

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