*Word Problems Posts

Anchor Tasks in Mathematics

Anchor Tasks in Mathematics

An anchor task is a problem given to students at the beginning of a math block that provides an opportunity to activate prior knowledge, requires students to collaborate and ask questions of each other, and promotes an environment for students to productively struggle...

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Performance Tasks At Your Fingertips!

Performance Tasks At Your Fingertips!

How many teachers out there use performance tasks in their classroom?  Wouldn't it be great if they were organized by grade level and by common core strand?  Well, we have found a website from North Carolina Public Schools that has already done that! Public Schools of...

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Bedtime Math- A Website with Real World Math Problems

Check out this website! I love the real world application math problems! http://bedtimemath.org "Our mission is to help kids love numbers so they can handle the math in real life." One thing that I love about the website is the real-life pictures that are sent daily...

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