*Word Problems Posts

Celebrating 112 Shows! Math Might Reflections

Celebrating 112 Shows! Math Might Reflections

Wow, it's hard to believe that we have recorded, produced, edited, and sent off to be hosted on the PBS Michigan Learning Channel, our 112th Math Might Show.  As we tie a bow on this season, and on this school year, I thought it would be fun to look back at how this...

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Math Might Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 403-404

Math Might Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 403-404

I can't believe that we've made it to the end of our Math Might shows for this second semester, shows 403 and 404! They both have some really great material for you to check out!Episodes 403-404400 Series Focus: Numeracy/Number Talks We’re going to continue the number...

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Math Mights Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 317-318

Math Mights Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 317-318

Thanks for joining us for our blog this week for our Math Mights recap on shows 317 and 318! This week’s shows will be the last of the 300 level shows. As you know from the 200 level shows, we stopped at 217 and 218, giving you eighteen shows per quarter. And so, next...

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Math Mights Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 309-310

Math Mights Teacher’s Guide: Episodes 309-310

Episodes 309-310February Focus: Word Problems In these warm-ups, we'll use a step-by-step visual model process, which will vary slightly depending on the grade level and what type of problem that we're working on. Professor Barble helps students slow down, think about...

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